Hi There! We Are The Knowledge Center
There's always something happening here.
We offer an array of resources for professionals and families whose lives and work are impacted by developmental trauma and attachment disorders. Our resources include on-site training, webinars, clinical consultation/supervision, research, and publications within the areas of developmental trauma, attachment, and organizational leadership.
Our programs are built upon the foundation of Chaddock’s Developmental Trauma and Attachment Program (DTAP), which brings hope and healing to children and youth who have experienced severe trauma and struggle with attachment-related difficulties. Through DTAP, Chaddock’s professional team meets children where they are developmentally, addresses a child’s unique issues and concerns, works in partnership with parents/caregivers to support the whole family system, and provides parents/caregivers the tools they need to repair and strengthen their relationship with their child.
Chaddock is an internationally recognized leader in the treatment of children suffering from the psychological, emotional, and spiritual effects of significant abuse, neglect, and trauma. Chaddock’s full range of preventative, educational, and treatment services to children from birth to age 21 and their families include community-based services, a special education school, in-home intensives, and residential treatment. Through The Knowledge Center at Chaddock, our on-campus professionals have the ability to share decades of direct care expertise with professionals and families across the country and throughout the world.
Whether your life is impacted personally or professionally by children who struggle with attachment and trauma or you seek innovative ways to lead others in challenging environments, we hope you will find information to expand your knowledge, refresh your approach and inspire you – we are on the journey together.