This month’s blog was written by Clyde Deah, Program Coordinator at Leathers Cottage. Clyde has worked for Chaddock for over 4 years. He loves his job, but when it’s time to clock out, he enjoys doing things that make him feel good like playing video games, working out and spending time with his wife. Clyde is a praise dancer with a few friends and the dance group is called GUiDANCE (God, You, And I Dance). The dance group also volunteers at Chaddock by teaching the kids how to do step and hosting an event or showcase for all to come and watch. They have put on 6 showcases so far.
I have been in this field for over 5 years now. I’ve worked here at Chaddock for about 4 of those years. I love the job and the experience that I get here.
I started out in the beginning just being happy to work a job in my desired field and I was lucky enough to already know some of our kids because of my voluntary work on campus, with my praise dance group GUiDANCE. Since working here though, and being able build relationships with the kids through the good times and bad times…that’s something that amazed me. Without realizing it, I was developing connections, teaching kids about life, showing them appropriate ways of living or how to handle a situation, and loving it! Want to know the best thing though? The kids didn’t know that’s what was happening either.
I love how Chaddock focuses on relationship building. I love how genuine I can be with the kids. I give them my real self and they love me for it and likewise, I build in them the ability to be their real self too. Within our dance group I’ve got to witness our children have a lot of fun, try new things and want to be a part of something, all because of the relationships we develop during our time together.
Building a relationship with a child is the best part of this job. Not only does our relationship teach them how have healthy interactions with adults, but it also repairs some of the hurt they have experienced with a healthy distraction.
I really love this job. I see myself growing through it every shift that I’m on and every day I learn more about myself and the kids I work with.
Editorial Note:
Chaddock’s vision states “a world where every person matters, relationships are valued, and healing and change are possible”. It is in our relationships with our children and families that our vision comes to life and it is evident everywhere you look on our campus. From the teacher and student in the classroom, to the group activities, to the lunch line in the cafeteria. We understand that when relationships are not primary, healing and change cannot take place and therefore, we put them right at the heart of our work.